Friday, July 10, 2009

Lips : Dry Lip Care and Herbal Remedies

by Janice Kumar

It is often observed that make up of lips is given more importance than lip care itself. This is not the right attitude because lips need specific attention as their outermost protective layer is very thin. They contain no sweat glands and few oil glands therefore they are prone to dryness and chapping. Cracked dry lips can be painful and can develop infections also.

Let us first consider the factors that can lead to dry lips.

  • Dehydration can cause dry lips. Drinking too much coffee and alcohol can cause the body to dehydrate and the first symptoms manifest in dry lips.

  • Extremes in temperatures both hot and cold can cause lips to chaff. The outer protective layer of the lips is thin and us unable to handle extremes in temperature very well. It cracks and this can also hurt.

  • Overworking and stress can cause general body breakdown. The lower immunity leaves in the body manifest in minor infections and lips are a first casualty. This can cause dry lips which can crack and turn out really painful.

  • Irritation and allergic reactions to certain lipsticks and foods can also cause cracked lips. Contact eczema can also be a cause of this problem. This needs investigation by a professional doctor.

  • Some medications can also cause the body to dehydrate, causing dry lips.

  • A few medical diseases can have the lips drying as a side effect. This also needs to be investigated by a doctor.

Some common sense remedies and precautions that need to be followed daily to prevent dry lips are as follows.

  1. Hydrate the body well by drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday. Dehydration is a common cause of the problem and drinking water is a simple solution.

  2. Use a good lip balm which should create a moisture barrier reducing dehydration from the lip area. Lip balms with antiseptic properties are also good for cracked lips where infections may have set in.

  3. Eat a diet rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin B, E and various minerals to counter lifestyle problems and boost immunity levels. Check out our article on Healthy Diets also.

Some home remedies to counter dry cracked lips and help moisturize these lips are as follows.

Mix 5 ml of glycerine with 5 ml of lime juice and 5 ml of natural rose water in a bowl. Apply this mixture daily in the morning/ evening to hydrate and disinfect the lips. Let it stay on till it is absorbed or evaporates naturally. Keep the bowl in a refrigerator and re use this mixture for three days before creating a fresh batch.

Another home remedy to cure dry cracked lips is to simply mix equal quantities of nutmeg, turmeric powder and fresh butter and apply to lips. The turmeric acts as an natural antiseptic and the butter helps the cracks to heel.

In case, you find trouble finding the above ingredients, try the following remedy. Take slightly warm to hot water in a bowl and dip a cotton wool in in. Squeeze the water out and apply the hot cotton wool on the lips. Do this six to eight times and provide hot fomentation to the lips. Follow this up with a mixture prepared with an equal quantity of glycerine / Vaseline and honey. Apply the same with a cotton swab and leave on for an hour or so. Try this every alternate day for 10 days to find relief from chapped lips.

Super Tip: While buying lipsticks, do check if the manufacturer offers some kind of barrier protection and hydration of the lips. Many good brands would contain ingredients which would help moisturize the lips and protect them from minor infections. These kind of lipsticks can be useful as a daily defence against cracked dry lips. Many (colourless) lip balms also contain glycerine and antiseptic properties and even men can use them to moisturize their lips. This problem is not specific to women and men are equally prone to same.

I hope you found something useful. In case dry lips are not caused by a serious medical treatment , they can be treated well with home remedies and herbal techniques. Try them to keep you lips moisturized and safe.

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional doctor to find a lasting cure for any problem. The views expressed are the personal views of the author. We take no responsibility for same. Please consult a professional, before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Acne Solutions - Causes and Prevention

by Janice Kumar

Generally people with oily skin suffer from acne. Acne can also manifest when the body undergoes hormonal changes. This is why adolescents suffer extensively from this problem. Oily skin and hormonal changes cause the sebaceous glands in the skin to secrete excess of skin oil called sebum. This sebum can collect in the pores and harden, giving rise to various skin problems like blackheads, white heads and other spots. When the skin tissue around the blocked pore gets inflamed, it rises to form a pimple. If bacteria starts growing around this pimple, it can cause acne. An acne condition may therefore be characterized by blackheads, leading to pimples leading to acne. This acne, if left untreated can spread and if not corrected early can lead to skin scarring. Skin scarring caused by acne is difficult to treat and may require professional care.

Prevention is better than cure is an old adage very much applicable in this condition. Some ways to prevent formation of acne is as follows.

  1. Avoid exposure to harsh sun and usage of sun block creams and gels is important to prevent loss of moisture.

  2. Remove black heads early and prevent them from developing into pimples. Blackheads can be removed at home or by a professional and should not be left to fester especially in oily skin and in teenagers.

  3. For a skin prone to acne, it is important to deep cleanse and moisturize the skin every night before going to sleep.

  4. Switch to a low salt, healthy non fried diet. Fresh fruits, raw salads, sprouted grains and pulses and yogurt can go a long way in reducing oil formation in oily skins.

In case, acne has already formed on the skin, the implications are that pimples have already been infected with bacteria. It is now important to dry the skin around the acne and reduce oil formation. Medicated creams and ointments can help in controlling and reducing acne at the first stage by controlling the bacteria infection.

Now, I will mention some acne treatment measures which can be tried at home. There are many herbal remedies in nature which can be quire helpful in controlling the oil formation in the skin and reducing pore blockages. A few of these remedies can also help control, the bacterial infection around the acne, preventing it, from spreading. These remedies may be tried at home with a few precautions. In case, no relief is being felt even after four to five home treatments it is best to consult a trained skin doctor for relief.

Teenagers suffering from persistent freckles can try this remedy. Grate half a white radish into a bowl and mix two tea spoons (10 ml) each of fresh lemon and tomato juice into the bowl. Create a paste and apply it on the face. It may sting a bit. Let it remain for fifteen minutes before washing it off with cold water. Try this remedy once a day for at least a week to find substantial relief. Combine this remedy with deep pore cleansing every evening to find long term relief.

Another home lotion that works well to control freckle formation and reduce pimples is easy to prepare at home. Grate a radish and extract two tablespoons ( 20 ml) of juice in a bowl. Mix this juice with equal quantity of buttermilk and apply this mixture over the face. Leave on for an hour or so and then wash off with warm water. This may be done every day and this will help reduce formation of excess skin oil and control bacteria formation. The freckles and pimples should start reducing and disappearing after seven days of application.

Controlling acne which is spreading is not an easy task. One remedy that works well in many cases is as follows. Grind a tea spoon ( 5 grams) of pepper with seven to eight Margosa (Neem) leaves. Keep in a bowl. Prepare sandalwood paste (20 grams) by rubbing sandalwood on stone with little clean water ( or use commercially available paste). Mix this in the same bowl and prepare a mixture. Apply this on the face and let is remain for at least half an hour. Wash off with warm water. Try this every day for at least seven days to find relief from acne.

Acne and pimples can also be controlled with lime juice. However this will sting and hurt so it is better to blend 10 ml ( two tea spoons) of fresh lime juice with 20 grams of sandalwood paste and prepare a mixture. This mixture can be applied on the face and will help control bacteria formation and reduce acne. It is important to do this every day for at least seven days to find relief. Wash off with cold water after fifteen to twenty minutes.

I sincerely hope you found something useful about acne formation and control in this article. The herbal natural way to acne control and treatment is easy and inexpensive. Try it to find relief.

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional doctor to find a lasting cure for any problem. The views expressed are the personal views of the author. We take no responsibility for same. Please consult a professional, before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Fragrance in You : Hey Girls ..Smell Good

by Janice Kumar

A perfume is a profoundly intimate gesture that projects your moods and perceptions. The fragrance defines your personality and what you would like others to perceive you as. The perfume compliments your clothes and overall personality to project a certain dominant trait in your personality. As you move, your fragrance defines your presence. It is you at that time and moment.

Let me present a few looks defined by various smells and fragrances. Check the perfumes by leading brands to find a complimentary style.

The Bohemian or slightly wild look can be complimented by Aromatic accords based on herbs like rosemary. sage and basil dispersed with silent floral themes. The top international brands defining this look are Glow by J.Lo and L'Air du Temps by Nina Ricci. So if you want to project that Gypsy look with chunky accessories and hippie clothes, try experimenting with these perfumes.

Simple floral and fruity blends work well with the Casual Look. The casual look is best defined by a luminous scent that keeps you relaxed and glowing. You stand apart and still have the relaxed look. Some of the popular perfumes in this category would include Acqua Di Gio by Armani and Burberry Brit by Burberry. So get your jeans on and relax by looking and feeling Chic.

The Botanical or Garden look can be enhanced by using perfumes derived from Jasmine, rose, lilies and combined with green and woody notes. Some of the best picks in this category would be Jazmin by Campos de Ibiza and Fidji by Guy Laroche. These perfumes can go well with a look patterned on large flowery tropical prints. This is the Green look.

If you are interested in projecting a Traditional look, try combining perfumes which have a fragrance typical to your region or country with traditional clothes. Perfumes with the Cherry blossoms fragrance could be traditional for the Japanese look, while Lavender could be relevant for a Provencal theme. Some good picks in this category would be Shalimar by Guerlain and Amayra by Ally Matthan. You need to explore which perfume best suits your traditional look. A visit to the local perfume shop or the net would help in decision making.

Incase you are looking to leave a lasting impression, try opulent and heady smells like tuberose and champaka. They are strong and leave a Big impression. Some well known perfumes in this category would be Tender Poison by Dior and Jolie Madam by Balmain.

A Film Star flashy look with a presence can be obtained by combining glitzy clothes with heavy amber and oriental top notes peppered with heavy odor types like patchouli and vetiver. Try Opium by YSL or Glamorous by Ralph Lauren for that look that is unforgettable.

Get that Classic look that is understated but distinct. Cologne based fragrances layered with different yet recognizable definitions like floral bouquets complete the look. Some well known perfumes in this category would be Anais Anais by Cacharel and Angel by Thierry Mugler. The classic look is ageless and distinct. Project this look and find a distinctive yet warm presence.

You may obtain a Thin or Skinny look by using minimalist musk notes that smell clean and yet are barely there. The lean look can be enhanced by using perfumes such as Pure White Linen by Estee Lauder and Lauren by Ralph Lauren.

Marine related top notes reminiscent of the ocean air , zesty and spicy can be combined with fabrics with white stripes to get a Nautical or Ocean presence. Try Latitude Longitude by Nautica and L'eau d'Issey for women by Issey Miyake.

Stay Sporty with clean, fresh fragrances created by blending citrus top notes with the essence of exotic fruit and flowers. Stay playful and a tease by using perfumes such as Eau Vitaminee by Biothern and Eau Dynamisante by Clarins. Show of your tanned body and get the right smell to go with it.

The School Girl or the Good Girl presence can be obtained by non shocking fragrance notes. Citrus and aromatic notes blended, exude a clean smell and this goes well with mini skirts and simple shoes. The recommended perfumes in this look are Lemon Sorbet by Etro and Lime Basil by Jo Malone.

Try the Ethnic look by using fragrances that leave a distinct impression. Powerful metallic green notes of galbanum or woody notes like cedar will do very well. Combined with craft based designs on clothes they will help create a strong ethnic look. Try Vent Vert by Balmain or So Pretty by Cartier.

And finally get that Rich / Empire presence with chypre or fougere notes based on woody, mossy and floral accords that leave a rich and lingering odour. Gucci Rush by Gucci and Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel fit well into this category.

Let your fragrance find you. As you change and mature, so will your tastes. Try new fragrances to find what you are comfortable with. Get naughty, flirty, demure or sophisticated with the right perfume. Let the perfume find you. Create a presence today!

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional doctor to find a lasting cure for any problem. The views expressed are the personal views of the author. We take no responsibility for same. Please consult a professional, before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Healthy Diet Habits

by Janice Kumar

Most people I know, want to diet and reduce weight, feel healthy and gain energy. There are so many diet plans in the market that it is difficult to choose the right one. Over the years, I have researched a few and suggest the following to stay healthy. These ideas are common over various diet plans, though the relative emphasis on these steps may differ.

The trick is sensible eating with regular light exercise.

Restrict carbohydrate and fat intake

Most diet plans will suggest that the intake of carbohydrates and fats should be reduced. But not eliminated. A threshold level of carbohydrates is required by the body because they convert to energy but excess gets converted to fat. Similarly small amounts of fat are essential for the maintenance of a healthy body, but excess is bad for the heart and the body.

The problem is that most foods which are palatable and enjoyable are carbohydrate and fat rich! So dieting becomes a chore to be hated. But I suggest a little bit of everything is good, it is the excess that is bad.

So add whole grain cereals like brown rice, whole wheat bread, home made breads made with wheat grain, multigrain bread, porridge, and oats as they help to fill you up. They contain vital fiber, most essential to the proper functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Cut out refined cereals (white bread, white rice), roots and tubers such as potato, sweet potato, tapioca and yam. All these have high carbohydrate content. Fast foods like burgers, fries etc also need to be cut out of the diet.

Limit fat intake by reducing intake of red meat, fried foods of all kinds, butter, cream, mayonnaise, cutlets, burgers, fries and other fast foods. In case you cannot eliminate them from your diet, take your favorite food, only once a week.

Cook the healthy way. Reduce and eliminate frying. Instead, roast and bake your food. Eat roasted dry fruits or in the raw and avoid salted and sweetened snacks.

Reduce white sugar intake

One sure way to find good health, increased vitality and energy levels is to cut and reduce white sugar intake. Processed white sugar is bad for the body. Try to sweeten your food by adding honey or jaggery instead. Use natural fruit purees and natural fruit juices as sources of natural sugar and enjoy healthy living.

Eat a balanced Protein Rich Diet

Adequate amount of proteins are a must to feel full and satiated. They also provide necessary health, vigour and energy and are a must in your diet.

Proteins from vegetable sources like pulses, nuts, mushrooms, cottage cheese do not contain harmful cholesterol and are good for the body. Enjoy grilled or baked fish, chicken and seafood. Cut out fried meats and reduce red meat. Frying adds oil and cholesterol to the foods which can be done without.

Add fresh fruits, leafy vegetables and sprouts to your diets in the form of salads before and during meals to get your daily dose of vitamins, minerals and many vital ingredients which your body needs.

Enjoy salads before meals

Incorporate the concept of meal before meal by adding healthy salad ideas before meals. Eat a small plate of raw vegetables & sprouts seasoned with natural seasonings like curds, oregano, basil, thyme and coriander. This meal before meal will reduce your craving for unhealthy foods in the main meal.

Snack often, the healthy way

Snacks such as fresh fruit and roasted dry fruits (without salt or sugar being added to them) are a good way to control hunger pangs. They are healthy and also provide much needed fiber.

Eat more than three meals

Yes! Eat more than three times to stay healthy. Instead of three large meals, it is better to eat say 5 small meals. But the breakfast should be big and healthy as it has to provide calories to jump start the day. Try incorporating this idea into your daily life. It is fun and healthy too. Learn to stop eating after one serving. Never over eat. Your body will always tell you when it is full. It gives you enough hints when it is hungry. Doesn’t it? Listen to it. It knows best.

Chew well and sit straight

Chew food well and sit straight while eating. This will enable better digestion and better food absorption.

Keep temptations out of sight.

Do store sweets and deserts out of sight. This helps in controlling temptations. Enjoy small portions of your favorite deserts only once a week and learn to live a balanced life.

In conclusion, a balanced diet with adequate fat, carbohydrates, protein, minerals, vitamins balanced with less sugar and adequate exercise is must for a healthy body. There are really no fixed ratios for the various parts of a meal. Experiment a bit to find what combination makes you feel good and full of vigor. Then stick to that combination. Every body has different needs so find your combination. Use the above tips to find a healthy way to cook and eat.

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional doctor to find a lasting cure for any problem. The views expressed are the personal views of the author. We take no responsibility for same. Please consult a professional, before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Foot Care, Suggestions and Natural Care

by Janice Kumar

Feet are often, the most neglected part of the human body. We seem to take our feet for granted, lavishing care only when we experience discomfort and foot pain. However, regular care, foot hygiene and exercise can go a log way to healthy feet which will look good and support the body weight easily.

There are many websites and books on home care that will give suggestions and tips on how to do a pedicure. However, in this article, we will not discuss the method to do a pedicure, but rather foot care tips in general and also advise some herbal home remedies for relief for common foot problems.

Foot care starts with good posture. It is important to stand straight, well balanced on both feet with the toes pointing straight ahead. Do lift the arches of your feet slightly so that body weight is supported by the outside edges of the soles of the feet. This will help in even distribution of the body weight providing your feet with less weight to handle per square inch.

Good shoes are important for healthy feet. The shoes should not be too tight and should not squeeze the toes. They should allow space to move the toes. High heels are a strict no, for everyday usage and should be restricted to special occasions. These high heels put excessive strain on the back and the ankle (bones) of the feet.

When the weather is hot, it is advisable to wear open sandals to provide maximum ventilation. This will help avoid excessive sweating of the feet and will help avoid fungal and bacterial infections from developing.

Foot Care Regimen

It is suggested that everyone go in for a basic pedicure every two weeks. Feet dipped in warm water to which a little shampoo and vegetable oil has been added provides a good starting point. Let the feet soak for 10 - 15 minutes, before rubbing them (especially soles) with a pumice stone. This is the time to clean the nails and remove all old nail polishes.

Regular foot exercise helps to keep feet fit. Curl your toes simulating the action of trying to pick up something with your feet. Do this for ten minutes every day to strengthen muscles and provide relief to aching feet

Get a foot massage done every two weeks by a professional. The rotating and kneading action, stimulates blood circulation and provides relief to aching foot muscles.

Another easy way to improve blood circulation in the feet are and to give relief to aching feet is a simple Hot and Cold foot bath. Prepare two basins. Put hot ( bearable) water in one to which a little (20 ml ) mustard oil has been added. In the second basin, put cold water. Let your feet soak in the hot water for up to 3- 4 minutes and then shift the feet to cold water basin. Repeat this between 5 to 7 times and then dry the feet thoroughly with a rough dry towel. It is advisable to apply some moisturizing cream on the feet after they are dry to replenish skin oils. Enjoy the sensation of relaxation that will envelop your feet.

Herbal - Natural Foot Care Tips

To soften rough feet, try this regimen every night before going to bed, for two weeks. Dip the feet in warm water containing a teaspoon of (preferably herbal) shampoo and one teaspoon of baking powder. Let them soak for 10- 15 minutes, before drying them. Apply a foot cream and then go to sleep.

Treat dry skin on the feet and cracked heels with this herbal remedy. Prepare a mixture with equal quantity of glycerin, fresh cream and honey. Apply this mixture to the feet, especially to the cracked heels and let it stay on for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Try this every three days ( before sleeping) to find smooth feet and heels.

A easy pedicure which is fast and effective can be done easily at home. It is herbal and natural and fast acting. Add a few (four to five) drops of vinegar to four or five table spoons (40-50 grams) of curd and mix well in a dish. Rub this mixture well on the feet, ankles, heels and the soles of the feet especially between the toes. Let it stay on for ten minutes and then wash off with warm water. This process will rejuvenate the skin on the feet, removing dead cells and stimulating blood circulation.

If you have a tendency to develop cracks on your heels and are suffering from this painful condition, your feet require regular care. Try this natural remedy every three days before bed time. Immerse feet in warm water to which 10 ml lemon juice and 20 ml coconut oil has been added. Scrub the heel area after twenty minutes with a pumice stone. Dry thoroughly and apply a foot cream. The improvement can be seen after the second treatment and this can become a weekly feature after the first month.

Incase, you are looking for a home made moisturizer for the skin specially the feet, you can prepare one easily. Simply mix rose water and glycerin ( glycerin) in equal proportion and store, to be used when ever required, especially after foot care treatment. Replace this mixture every one month.

I have shared many useful foot care tips and natural remedies in the above article. It is now up to you to take the initiative and start caring for your feet. Keep 15 to 20 minutes of your time before you go to sleep for your feet and the feet will thank you forever.

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional doctor to find a lasting cure for any problem. The views expressed are the personal views of the author. We take no responsibility for same. Please consult a professional, before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

White Teeth - Go Get Them !

by Janice Kumar

Many people have stained front teeth and they look bad when they smile or laugh. They stains may give the impression of bad oral hygiene but the cause may be somewhere else. It is important to understand the cause of the problem and try to find a long term or cosmetic cure. White teeth always look good and they enhance confidence levels and also one's personality. So let us strive for them.

Some possible causes of these dirty brown stains on the pearly white teeth may be identified as below. These are some common cause and your problem may be due to some totally other reason. In that case you are requested to consult a professional dentist.

More than two cups of coffee a day can cause your white teeth to stain quickly. These brown stains manifest on the front teeth and are difficult to get rid of.

Another common cause is, red wine. This red wine can quickly stain your teeth and the cosmetic cure can be really expensive .

Smoking is another common cause of brown teeth. Look around , most long term smokers will have stained yellow teeth. Tobacco cause quick staining which is again very difficult to remove.

Gum disease , infections and bad oral hygiene can also cause white teeth to turn yellow.

I suggest the following home remedies and basic dental care . If this does not work or the condition is chronic then you definitely need to consult a dentist. Or try a cosmetic dental treatment.

Reduce coffee and red wine intake and reduce smoking. This is common sense and also good for your body.

Try chewing raw vegetables , once a day . Raw vegetables are a healthy snack and they will also help in cleaning your teeth.

Strawberries have a natural bleaching effect and are high on Vitamin 'C'. So have some every day . This is a 'tasty' healthy solution to the yellow teeth problem. Of course make sure, you are not allergic to them.

Floss everyday. Stains form easily between teeth and flossing is an easy solution.

Brush your teeth everyday, every 12 hours. Do ensue the bristles are not worn out. Change your brush regularly. Old worn out brushes just cannot brush away plaque forming bacteria and are useless.

Try a natural herbal cure :

Rub some burnt almond shell powder lightly on your front teeth , twice a day and check the results after a fortnight. You may be surprised!

Try putting some raw common salt on your tooth paste before brushing. The fine grains of the salt will remove and reduce yellow stains and bring a white shine back to your teeth.

Another home remedy that works with many kind of stains is to rub the teeth with a bay leaf , thrice a week. This seems to work for many people and is inexpensive.

If nothing works then:

Get your teeth professionally cleaned and polished by a dentist.

Go for professional bleaching job after studying the pros and cons of the process.

You may also try various bleaching packs and home teeth whitening systems. You may require these to maintain the white shine, especially if you cannot control smoking, coffee and red wine intake. Do read and understand the 'patented' process before rushing to buy some. A comparison between various options available in the market will definitely be beneficial.

White shiny pearly teeth are within reach.. Go get them now.

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional doctor to find a lasting cure for any problem. The views expressed are the personal views of the author. We take no responsibility for same. Please consult a professional, before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Herbal Hair Care

by Janice Kumar

Hair care is important in summers and especially so when you have to brave the sun outdoors whether for recreation or work. Our hair needs special care when the sun is out and sizzling. This is the time when the hair turns brittle, dry and loses shine.

Hair cannot technically 'burn' in the sun because it is not 'alive' but the exposure to the sun can and will damage the natural protective film on the hair strands. This will make the hair dry, dull, fragile, brittle and almost 'dead'. Dyed and highlighted hair , exposed to the sun is especially prone to damage. The UV rays destroy the cells and film covering the hair strands and the hair becomes fragile and dried out.

The hair that will be exposed to sun has to be protected. Products that contain Shea butter and sunscreens and which moisturize the hair are recommended.

Phytoplage oils contain Acron extract oil which shields the hair from the harmful UV rays. Look for hair care products that contain this product. They will benefit the hair especially when it is exposed to the sun.

In the newer hair care products, sunflower oil is used as a sun filter. These products also contain jojoba wax which give a protective coating to the hair and protect it.

Instead of going in for synthetic hair dyes, to give color to your hair, you may like to try these herbal natural products. These herbal products protect the hair strands against sun damage and also add color and shine.

Some recommended herbal natural alternatives are given below:

To get dark brown colored hair, Soak a mixture of Henna powder and Indian Gooseberry powder ( Amla / Phyllanthus Emblica ) overnight in a metal container. The thick mixture may be applied to the hair strands with a brush. Cover with a plastic cap and leave on for at least 2 hours. Wash with soft water to find dark brown, soft and silky hair. This natural color will stay on for at least a month and will protect the hair. This is a good conditioner and natural moisturizer for the hair and will thus protect against sun damage also. The ratio of the Indian Gooseberry powder and henna will determine the degree of the color. More the berry powder, darker the hair.

To get dark copper color, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the henna mixture before applying it on the hair. Avoid the Indian Gooseberry powder. The dark copper color will add luster and shine and moisturize and protect the hair the natural way.

To get reddish hair , simply add nothing to the henna-water mixture prepared overnight. Apply the thick paste directly to the hair strands with a brush, wait for two - three hours, wash the hair and find a beautiful reddish color on the hair.

A natural hair tonic providing much needed moisturizing and nutrients to the hair follicles is relatively easy to prepare at home. Simply mix , almond oil, olive oil and castor oil in equal proportions and apply to the hair once a week. Massage and wash off with a mild herbal shampoo to find new life in the hair. This will also protect the hair against sun damage in summers and damage due to extreme cold in winters. This is an all the year tonic for the hair.

If you find it cumbersome to prepare these mixtures at home, you may take the help of a hair care specialist, specifying what you want. Many products available in the market also contain these natural ingredients and provide much needed protection. Go ahead and choose with care. After all your hair is worth the effort.

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional doctor to find a lasting cure for any problem. The views expressed are the personal views of the author. We take no responsibility for same. Please consult a professional, before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Contact Lenses : When, Where, why and How ?

by Janice Kumar

Some possible reasons to wear contact lenses may be tabulated below.

As most people who use contact lenses would know that eye power is measured in diopters and when the difference between the power of the left and right eye is more than four diopters, a person may experience 'double imaging' while using corrective glasses and contact lenses may be recommended.

When eye power is high, corrective glasses would be very thick. This may reduce the field of vision and contact lenses may be recommended. In these cases, contact lenses may actually help to increase field of vision and improve quality of vision.

In specific cases, lenses can help in stabilizing eye power and prevent further deterioration of eye sight. In these cases contact lenses may be highly recommended.

Some professions like acting, modeling, hospitality industry etc may demand a corrective glass free personal appearance, and contact lenses may be the only solution.

Contact lenses surely improve one's looks and appearance, however certain precautions are necessary for a safe experience.

Make sure you never swim with your lenses on. This can cause an eye infection.

Do not sleep with your lenses on, because the oxygenation process may be hampered. This might result in the lens getting stuck to the cornea, which may damage the lens and the eye. So lenses have to be removed when taking a quick nap or when going to bed for the night. This is an important precaution to be taken for a safe experience.

Do not wear contact lenses longer that the time prescribed. Usually, lenses can be used for a maximum of about 12 to 14 hours a day. Consult your doctor for the ideal time for which you may safely wear them.

Do try to avoid lenses if you are a diabetic as the chances of infection are higher. Consult a doctor if you insist on wearing them.

Contact Lenses do give a boost to your self esteem and improve your looks but you need time and patience to look after them. Do you have what it takes to maintain your lenses?

Do not leave your lenses lying around. When not in use, store them in the appropriate container with the cleaning solution. A dusty atmosphere and chemical fumes may damage your lenses, if they are left uncovered. So use the storage box provided.

Maintain hygiene while handling contact lenses. Wash your hands carefully before touching the lenses.

Daily sterilization of your lens is a must for soft lens users. Sterilization refers to cleaning of the lenses with the prescribed cleaning solution, which are sold along with the lenses. This daily routine will help in preventing eye infections.

Clean the lenses daily only with a cleaner prescribed by your doctor. Regular water must not be used for this, as it is not sterile and may damage the lenses. Damaged lenses will create eye problems.

You may need to change the storage fluid daily. If the cleaning solution or the storage fluid is unclean, or the container is dirty, this may damage the lenses and, in turn, your eyes.

The lenses must settle on the eye properly. If they do not do so, please consult an eye doctor immediately. Do not keep waiting, hoping things will settle down automatically.

In case you experience any sort of pain, watering, redness, discharge, decreasing vision or heaviness, remove the lenses immediately and consult your doctor.

The lenses may need to be changed periodically, depending upon their life span.

These days contact lenses may be worn be all age groups. However, parents may have to take care of the lenses for young children and teenagers need to be educated on the merits, demerits and care that needs to be taken. Bifocal contact lenses may be used by elderly people. Everyone has a chance to look attractive and smart, however it is important to balance eye safety with good looks.

With proper care, precautions and intelligent usage, contact lenses can add value to one's appearance and enhance personality. If you have the time and inclination, go for them, after consulting your eye doctor.

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional doctor to find a lasting cure for any problem. The views expressed are the personal views of the author. We take no responsibility for same. Please consult a professional, before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Under Eye Dark Circles and Puffy Eye Solutions

by Janice Kumar

Skin under the eyes is sensitive and thinner as compared to the rest of the face. This part of the face is particularly susceptible to poor nutrition, stress, lack of sleep and lifestyle issues.

Some causes of Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes can be listed below.

Poor blood circulation in the under eye area can lead to poor oxygenation which will result in dark circles under the eye.

The above is a direct cause of poor nutrition especially lack of Vitamin C and E in the diet.

Stress plays a big part in inducing dark circles under the eye. High stress levels invariably lead to poor sleeping habits which can cause dark circles under the eyes.

Lack of sleep and rest due to lifestyle issues is a common reason for this problem.

Lack of fresh air and light exercise can also lead to under eye problems.

Hereditary factors can also cause dark circles. If there is a genetic predisposition to pigmentation, then dark circles under the eyes may be due to factors out of the control of the person.

Puffy Eyes are caused by excessive salt intake which may lead to water retention.

Poor dietary habits especially too much fat intake and excessive alcohol intake can directly lead to puffy eyes.

Poor sleeping position may also lead to puffy eye problems.

Some solutions recommended by beauticians and healthcare experts are given below.

Local application of certain bleaching agents and glycolic acids does seem to help in reducing the dark circles in many cases.

Local application of creams rich in vitamin C and E may also help in counteracting poor nutrition by stimulating blood flow under the eye, reducing the incidence of dark circles.

Some de pigmentation products like Kogic acid, used under the guidance of a trained professional can help in reducing the dark pigmentation, improving the condition of the skin under the eye.

Most people may find the cause to be a lifestyle related. Some light outdoor exercise in the fresh air, good deep sleep and a break from the hectic work environment will improve facial skin giving it a glow and reducing dark circles dramatically.

For people who suffer from dark under eye circles on a permanent basis and the cause is hereditary, it may be better to use, clever makeup and learn to live with the problem.

Some beauty treatments which consist of ozone treatments and skin lightening packs can also help to a certain degree.

A simple home remedy is to put hot (warm) and cold tea bags alternatively, directly on the closed eyes and directly above the dark circles for some relief.

Get rid of puffy eyes by putting cotton wool dipped in warm tea over the affected portion.

Try dipping cotton wool in cucumber juice and applying below the eyes. Keeping Cucumber pieces over the eyes for fifteen minutes a day also help in reduction of this problem.

Try to sleep straight on the back with a low pillow . This can help in reducing puffy eye problem.

A better long term solution is to modify the lifestyle to find permanent relief. Reducing alcohol intake, reducing fat intake and regular light outdoor exercise can help in improving skin under the eye and getting rid of puffy eyes.

I hope above helps. It is important to first find a cause of the beauty related problem, before rushing to the market to buy creams and gels for the skin. Many a times, the cause may be found in poor nutrition, poor exercise regimen and stress related issues. Some modification in the way we live combined with some short term solutions will normally improve quality of life and also external beauty.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Herbal Beauty: Multiple Tips & Natural Herbal Care

by Janice Kumar

Find below multiple tips and natural herbal solutions for common beauty issues relating to hair problems, wrinkles, bad breath, cracked skin and acne.

To remove the dark marks caused by a bad sun tan, add 5 table spoons of rose water to one table spoon of lime juice and apply to face or affected area at night. Wash off with water the next morning to find clear beautiful skin.

To keep your skin and body smelling nice the whole day, add dried rose petals to your bath water. You are sure to smell lovely the whole day.. No need for an expensive perfume!

Chewing a cardamom is an excellent remedy for bad breath and also cuts down on excessive thirst.

To get rid of oily hair, just add three teaspoons of lime juice in the final rinse while washing your hair. Your hair will become much more manageable. Try this for two times in a week for two weeks to see astonishing results.

In order to get a cheap and effective face mask, grind a mixture of fruit (orange, lemon) and Vegetable (Cucumber) peels in a mixer. Apply the mixture as a face pack and wash after 20 minutes. Try this once daily, for 7 days to see a marked improvement in facial skin. Find glowing skin in a few days.

Remove scars on your hands and feet the natural way …. Rub them with lemon peels 5- 7 minutes a day, twice a day for 7 days to see a marked improvement.

Try this alternative face mask: Prepare a mixture of sandal wood paste and raw milk in the ratio 1: 3 and rub on your face and hands. Leave for 15 minutes and wash off. Find glowing, beautiful lovely smelling skin. Try this once every two days for ten days and enjoy the difference.

For sparkling teeth , try sprinkling a pinch of soda bicarbonate on your tooth brush and brushing your teeth once a day for 10 days … You will be amazed by the difference you can see after just 5 days .

Use the scrapings of bitter gourd ( Karela) to remove pimples and get rid of acne and black heads. Just rub the scrapings (peels) on your face, once a day for 3- 5 days to see, blackheads vanish and a marked reduction in pimples and acne.

To treat darkened elbows and lower arms, an effective solution is to prepare a paste of fresh milk cream, pinch of turmeric powder and two to three drops of basil ( tulsi) leaf extract . Apply this paste to the darkened are and leave overnight. Wash off in the morning. Repeat for 7 nights to find marked improvement.

To give your hair bounce, mix gram flour ( besan) with Starch from cooked rice and apply to hair . Wash after few minutes to find hair with flair.

To cure bad breath, boil a few fenugreek (methi) leaves in water and then use this water for gargling. You will find a marked improvement within 3 days of this usage.

To prevent pimples and reduce acne, wash your face with raw milk before you go to sleep. This is an effective and easy solution.

To prevent body odor, add a little ‘alum’ to your bath water.

To smoothen wrinkles and moisturize the skin the natural way, peel and core a small apple, mash it well and blend with one teaspoon of honey. Apply this mixture on the face and neck slowly in an upwards direction. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes to see a marked improvement. Try this thrice a week for 3 weeks and then only once a week to find a distinct lack of wrinkles and moisturized skin.

For healthy and voluminous hair, heat coconut oil, add two flakes of garlic and three peppercorns to it. Cool and apply to your scalp for health hair.

One very effective way to cure bad breath is to eat a green unripe apple. It will naturally cleanse your mouth and give it a fresh feel. If apples are unavailable try a semi hard citrus fruit. It should be equally effective.

Rub your teeth with burnt almond shell powder to reduce the yellow tint. See a marked improvement in 7 days.

To moisturize and make smooth dry cracked skin, apply a mixture of glycerin, fresh cream and honey in the ratio 1: 1: 1. This is an effective cure for cracked heels also.

I hope you found something useful. Do use common sense while applying these herbal beauty tips to your daily life. Consult a professional for any persistent problem.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Try these Facial Hair Removal Tips

by Janice Kumar

Almost all parts of the body have hair including the face. Hair on the face is particularly annoying to women. It may make them feel unfeminine, unattractive, cause stress and loss of confidence. It is normal for the face to have fine downy hair. When this hair growth is coarse and thick, the problems start. This excessive hair growth may be due to hereditary factors, hormonal imbalances or as a reaction to certain medicines.

The various methods used to remove facial hair are detailed below. The method chosen will depend upon the intensity of the hair growth, the concentration of the hair growth and the will and desire of the women concerned.


Bleaching is a common method of disguising and camouflaging facial hair. A peroxide solution is used to lighten the color of the facial hair. As this is a chemical process, it is important to take due precautions and pre testing is advised strongly. If this is done wrongly, it may leave burn marks on the face.


Plucking of facial hair with tweezers is suitable for removing isolated hairs on the chin or between the brows. It is important to remember to disinfect the tweezers and the area of the skin to be plucked before the start of the process. This can be done with a a mild astringent or a antiseptic liquid. It is not advisable to pluck hair growing from a mole or hair on the upper lip.


Threading can be used for shaping eyebrows and for removing fine hair from the face and the area above the upper lip and along the hair line. To avoid skin irritation and redness, it is recommended that a little zinc ointment be applied after the process. Threading should normally be avoided in conditions of acne as it can cause the problem to intensify and spread.


If the facial hair is dark and coarse and a source of major embarrassment, a lady may look at the option of electrolysis. The diathermy method is quite popular. In this method an electric current is passed through a fine needle, which is inserted into the hair follicle and this cauterizes (burns) the hair root. This prevents re growth. This is an expensive procedure that takes a lot of time and multiple sittings separated with a gap of two weeks. Too frequent a session, can cause scarring. In the hands of a novice or an non-professional. this process can cause facial scarring. Hence, it is most important to take due care and do a lot of research before settling on this process as an option. In extreme cases, re growth of hair has also been known to occur, so it is important to understand all the pros and cons of the process before submitting to it.

Laser Hair Removal

This new method of hair removal is gaining importance. However this is not for everyone. One important requirement is that one's hair should be darker than the surrounding skin. Lasers can cause localized damage by selectively heating dark target matter in the area that causes hair growth while not heating the rest of the skin. It is cheaper than electrolysis but depends upon skin and hair tone and color to be effective. Treatment of skin with lasers is gaining in popularity but requires great care. It is very important to understand the treatment, understand the suitability for the skin type and find the right place to get it done. It also requires multiple sittings and has to be done by a professional.

Perma Tweeze

This is also a relatively newer method of hair removal. In this procedure a tweezer, that is electrically operated, is used to pluck hair from the root. It also requires multiple sittings. It is expensive and does not normally carry the risk of scarring. The texture, and amount of hair growth will normally decide if this treatment is to be recommended and if it will be effective.

The above will give an idea about the treatment available commercially for facial hair removal. However there are also many face masks and beauty aids that can help delay the formation of facial hair, loosen facial hair naturally and slow down and prevent hair growth. It may be important to consult a trained doctor or a beautician to get the right treatment.

Here are a few herbal facial treatments that can be done at home to remove facial hair and slow down re growth. These are effective if done regularly, say every week and require patience and pre testing. Test the mask on the back of the hand for example to check there is no adverse reaction before proceeding.

  • Mix 30 grams of sugar with 10 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice in 150 ml of water. Mix well and then apply it on the face in the direction of the hair growth. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Then rinse with cold water, rubbing the facial area gently. The granular sugar and lemon mixture will act as a gentle exfoliating agent and remove facial hair. The lemon juice will act as an astringent and natural anti septic. Repeat once every week to find an improvement.

  • Another face mask that can help in reducing hair growth on the face and remove unwanted hair is easy to make and use every week. Squeeze 10 ml lemon juice into 40 ml honey and prepare a mixture. Take a cotton swab and rub this mixture in the direction of the hair growth. Rinse after 15 minutes. Repeat twice a week for 2 weeks and then use it every week to find an improvement in the facial hair condition.

  • An easy to use facial mask to help remove unwanted hair is to squeeze 10 ml lemon juice into a cup of water (150ml). Add 30 grams of Gram flour into this mixture and mix thoroughly. Apply this yellow mixture on the face. Wait for 15 minutes and then scrub your face in the direction of the hair growth to remove unwanted hair.

I hope you will win the battle against facial hair and look and feel more feminine and confident. Take a careful decision after consulting multiple beauticians and doctors before going in for expensive treatment. It may not really be required. Try some herbal face masks. It is possible, you may find an easy solution.

Best of Luck..