Monday, May 25, 2009

Healthy Diet Habits

by Janice Kumar

Most people I know, want to diet and reduce weight, feel healthy and gain energy. There are so many diet plans in the market that it is difficult to choose the right one. Over the years, I have researched a few and suggest the following to stay healthy. These ideas are common over various diet plans, though the relative emphasis on these steps may differ.

The trick is sensible eating with regular light exercise.

Restrict carbohydrate and fat intake

Most diet plans will suggest that the intake of carbohydrates and fats should be reduced. But not eliminated. A threshold level of carbohydrates is required by the body because they convert to energy but excess gets converted to fat. Similarly small amounts of fat are essential for the maintenance of a healthy body, but excess is bad for the heart and the body.

The problem is that most foods which are palatable and enjoyable are carbohydrate and fat rich! So dieting becomes a chore to be hated. But I suggest a little bit of everything is good, it is the excess that is bad.

So add whole grain cereals like brown rice, whole wheat bread, home made breads made with wheat grain, multigrain bread, porridge, and oats as they help to fill you up. They contain vital fiber, most essential to the proper functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Cut out refined cereals (white bread, white rice), roots and tubers such as potato, sweet potato, tapioca and yam. All these have high carbohydrate content. Fast foods like burgers, fries etc also need to be cut out of the diet.

Limit fat intake by reducing intake of red meat, fried foods of all kinds, butter, cream, mayonnaise, cutlets, burgers, fries and other fast foods. In case you cannot eliminate them from your diet, take your favorite food, only once a week.

Cook the healthy way. Reduce and eliminate frying. Instead, roast and bake your food. Eat roasted dry fruits or in the raw and avoid salted and sweetened snacks.

Reduce white sugar intake

One sure way to find good health, increased vitality and energy levels is to cut and reduce white sugar intake. Processed white sugar is bad for the body. Try to sweeten your food by adding honey or jaggery instead. Use natural fruit purees and natural fruit juices as sources of natural sugar and enjoy healthy living.

Eat a balanced Protein Rich Diet

Adequate amount of proteins are a must to feel full and satiated. They also provide necessary health, vigour and energy and are a must in your diet.

Proteins from vegetable sources like pulses, nuts, mushrooms, cottage cheese do not contain harmful cholesterol and are good for the body. Enjoy grilled or baked fish, chicken and seafood. Cut out fried meats and reduce red meat. Frying adds oil and cholesterol to the foods which can be done without.

Add fresh fruits, leafy vegetables and sprouts to your diets in the form of salads before and during meals to get your daily dose of vitamins, minerals and many vital ingredients which your body needs.

Enjoy salads before meals

Incorporate the concept of meal before meal by adding healthy salad ideas before meals. Eat a small plate of raw vegetables & sprouts seasoned with natural seasonings like curds, oregano, basil, thyme and coriander. This meal before meal will reduce your craving for unhealthy foods in the main meal.

Snack often, the healthy way

Snacks such as fresh fruit and roasted dry fruits (without salt or sugar being added to them) are a good way to control hunger pangs. They are healthy and also provide much needed fiber.

Eat more than three meals

Yes! Eat more than three times to stay healthy. Instead of three large meals, it is better to eat say 5 small meals. But the breakfast should be big and healthy as it has to provide calories to jump start the day. Try incorporating this idea into your daily life. It is fun and healthy too. Learn to stop eating after one serving. Never over eat. Your body will always tell you when it is full. It gives you enough hints when it is hungry. Doesn’t it? Listen to it. It knows best.

Chew well and sit straight

Chew food well and sit straight while eating. This will enable better digestion and better food absorption.

Keep temptations out of sight.

Do store sweets and deserts out of sight. This helps in controlling temptations. Enjoy small portions of your favorite deserts only once a week and learn to live a balanced life.

In conclusion, a balanced diet with adequate fat, carbohydrates, protein, minerals, vitamins balanced with less sugar and adequate exercise is must for a healthy body. There are really no fixed ratios for the various parts of a meal. Experiment a bit to find what combination makes you feel good and full of vigor. Then stick to that combination. Every body has different needs so find your combination. Use the above tips to find a healthy way to cook and eat.

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional doctor to find a lasting cure for any problem. The views expressed are the personal views of the author. We take no responsibility for same. Please consult a professional, before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Foot Care, Suggestions and Natural Care

by Janice Kumar

Feet are often, the most neglected part of the human body. We seem to take our feet for granted, lavishing care only when we experience discomfort and foot pain. However, regular care, foot hygiene and exercise can go a log way to healthy feet which will look good and support the body weight easily.

There are many websites and books on home care that will give suggestions and tips on how to do a pedicure. However, in this article, we will not discuss the method to do a pedicure, but rather foot care tips in general and also advise some herbal home remedies for relief for common foot problems.

Foot care starts with good posture. It is important to stand straight, well balanced on both feet with the toes pointing straight ahead. Do lift the arches of your feet slightly so that body weight is supported by the outside edges of the soles of the feet. This will help in even distribution of the body weight providing your feet with less weight to handle per square inch.

Good shoes are important for healthy feet. The shoes should not be too tight and should not squeeze the toes. They should allow space to move the toes. High heels are a strict no, for everyday usage and should be restricted to special occasions. These high heels put excessive strain on the back and the ankle (bones) of the feet.

When the weather is hot, it is advisable to wear open sandals to provide maximum ventilation. This will help avoid excessive sweating of the feet and will help avoid fungal and bacterial infections from developing.

Foot Care Regimen

It is suggested that everyone go in for a basic pedicure every two weeks. Feet dipped in warm water to which a little shampoo and vegetable oil has been added provides a good starting point. Let the feet soak for 10 - 15 minutes, before rubbing them (especially soles) with a pumice stone. This is the time to clean the nails and remove all old nail polishes.

Regular foot exercise helps to keep feet fit. Curl your toes simulating the action of trying to pick up something with your feet. Do this for ten minutes every day to strengthen muscles and provide relief to aching feet

Get a foot massage done every two weeks by a professional. The rotating and kneading action, stimulates blood circulation and provides relief to aching foot muscles.

Another easy way to improve blood circulation in the feet are and to give relief to aching feet is a simple Hot and Cold foot bath. Prepare two basins. Put hot ( bearable) water in one to which a little (20 ml ) mustard oil has been added. In the second basin, put cold water. Let your feet soak in the hot water for up to 3- 4 minutes and then shift the feet to cold water basin. Repeat this between 5 to 7 times and then dry the feet thoroughly with a rough dry towel. It is advisable to apply some moisturizing cream on the feet after they are dry to replenish skin oils. Enjoy the sensation of relaxation that will envelop your feet.

Herbal - Natural Foot Care Tips

To soften rough feet, try this regimen every night before going to bed, for two weeks. Dip the feet in warm water containing a teaspoon of (preferably herbal) shampoo and one teaspoon of baking powder. Let them soak for 10- 15 minutes, before drying them. Apply a foot cream and then go to sleep.

Treat dry skin on the feet and cracked heels with this herbal remedy. Prepare a mixture with equal quantity of glycerin, fresh cream and honey. Apply this mixture to the feet, especially to the cracked heels and let it stay on for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Try this every three days ( before sleeping) to find smooth feet and heels.

A easy pedicure which is fast and effective can be done easily at home. It is herbal and natural and fast acting. Add a few (four to five) drops of vinegar to four or five table spoons (40-50 grams) of curd and mix well in a dish. Rub this mixture well on the feet, ankles, heels and the soles of the feet especially between the toes. Let it stay on for ten minutes and then wash off with warm water. This process will rejuvenate the skin on the feet, removing dead cells and stimulating blood circulation.

If you have a tendency to develop cracks on your heels and are suffering from this painful condition, your feet require regular care. Try this natural remedy every three days before bed time. Immerse feet in warm water to which 10 ml lemon juice and 20 ml coconut oil has been added. Scrub the heel area after twenty minutes with a pumice stone. Dry thoroughly and apply a foot cream. The improvement can be seen after the second treatment and this can become a weekly feature after the first month.

Incase, you are looking for a home made moisturizer for the skin specially the feet, you can prepare one easily. Simply mix rose water and glycerin ( glycerin) in equal proportion and store, to be used when ever required, especially after foot care treatment. Replace this mixture every one month.

I have shared many useful foot care tips and natural remedies in the above article. It is now up to you to take the initiative and start caring for your feet. Keep 15 to 20 minutes of your time before you go to sleep for your feet and the feet will thank you forever.

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional doctor to find a lasting cure for any problem. The views expressed are the personal views of the author. We take no responsibility for same. Please consult a professional, before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.